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Your CECH Library guide to STEAM-themed kits for kid-friendly instruction in coding, circuits, robotics, technology, and more.

Osmo Creative Kit

Osmo Masterpiece in progress. An iPad is set up on the table and a flower is projected on the iPad screen. The iPad screen is streaming a video of the whiteboard placed in front of the iPad. Part of the flower has been drawn on the whiteboard Osmo Masterpiece set up. An iPad is on a table and in the Osmo base. It shows the outline of a flower projected onto its image of the whiteboard below. The Masterpiece whiteboard is set up on the table directly in front of the ipad and someone is drawing the outline of the flower by watching the screen as they draw. What comes with Osmo Masterpiece: a blue marker bag, an eraser fabric, six whiteboard markers, and the Masterpiece whiteboard


Osmo Words

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