CEAS Library's Ask A Librarian service can assist you with basic to advanced questions related to resources in engineering and the sciences, including those of the CEAS (Engineering and Applied Science) Library.
Books about Aerospace Engineering can be located through the UC Library Catalog. You can search in the UC Library Catalog by author, title, keyword or subject.
They can be accessed through UC Libraries Textbook and Reserves List, both online and in print.
The CEAS Library holds an extensive collection of NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) Collaborative Support Office (CSO) / formerly RTO (Research and Technology Organization) / formerly AGARD (Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research), NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) reports. The Contrails (formerly the Wright Air Development Center Digital Library) database is a developing collection that will provide access to WADC technical reports from the 1950s and 1960s. For pre-1976 technical reports, see also TRAIL (Technical Report Archive and Image Library). Consult Reference Librarian for assistance in locating these materials.
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