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Arts & Humanities Research Data Guide

Welcome to the Arts & Humanities Research Data Guide

This Guide contains some of the most used resources for arts & humanities research.
More Design, Architecture, Art and Planning databases can be found in the A-Z List of Databases.

What is Research Data for the Arts and Humanities?

"The drawings, mind maps, sketchbooks, photographs, old napkins, notes, inspirational quotes, pictures, books, conversations, critiques, and anything used to brainstorm or think about subject matter are important."

-- G. James Daichendt, Artist Scholar : Reflections on Writing and Research

Research Data in the Arts and Humanities

Research data in the arts and humanities comes in many forms, and is called various things.  Many humanists prefer to call their data "sources", while some artists simply prefer "stuff", but regardless of what it's called, "stuff" can reveal so much about out world.  This guide was created by the DAAP Library to address the emerging role of research data in the art and humanities.  We recognize that arts and humanities researchers may have different needs than their peers in other disciplines, so this guide is an introduction for arts practitioners and humanists.

Accessing Library Resources

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How to Access Library Resources: Click the link to a library resource. You may be prompted to log in with your UC username and password. You may have to complete Duo Two-Factor Authentication as well.

These prompts can occur both on and off campus.

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