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CEAS Library Board Game Collection

We have board games! Learn about games, report missing pieces or issues, and connect to the broader board gaming community on campus.



A large vinyl playing mat is placed on the floor, with a 6 x 4 array of spots, each spot about 6 inches in diameter. The spots are colored red, blue, yellow, and green. A player is chosen to moderate, and the rest of the players, up to 4, stand on the play mat with their feet on different spots.

Each turn consists of the moderator spinning a spinner, which gives a result matching a random color with a random element from the set (left hand, right hand, left foot, right foot). Each player must put the relevant bodypart on the relevant color spot. If the bodypart is already on a spot of that color it is moved to another spot of the same color. No two players bodyparts can share the same spot. If a player falls or touches an elbow or knee to the ground they are eliminated.

How to play video:

Quick Guide:

Players 2-4
Playtime 10 min
Ages 6+
Complexity 1.08 / 5

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