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2024-2025 CECH Diversity Grant Request for Proposals

2024-2025 CECH Diversity Grant Request for Proposals   


To support CECH graduate students, staff, and faculty in their research projects that focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and racial and social justice. Topics surrounding this theme may include but are not limited to ability, age, race/ethnicity, gender, nation of origin, religion, sexuality, and socioeconomic status. 

Who may apply: 

Actively enrolled CECH graduate students, staff, and faculty members. Applicants can apply individually or in collaborative research teams - only one proposal per individual.  Faculty members can advise multiple students on their applications. 


Award amounts will vary between $500 and $2000 depending on the number of accepted applicants and the amount of funds requested from each accepted applicant.  

Follow this link to view last year's awardees

Deadline: Submit your project abstract and proposal by 11:59 p.m. on December 9, 2024. 

Please note that if you are selected, you will be expected to meet these expectations: 

  1. Presentation Requirement: Awardees must present their results in 2025 at one of the following conferences: the Spring Research Conference, CECH Diversity Research Day, UC’s Diversity Conference, or another professional conference.  

  1. Project Completion: Awardees are expected to complete their projects by October 2025. 

  1. Report Submission: A summary/findings report must be submitted to the Office of Inclusive Excellence by December 12, 2025. 

Application Materials 

Cover Page: 

The cover page should include the following information: 

  • Proposal title   

  • Your name, title, and institutional affiliation 

  • Your email   

  • The name(s) of co-researcher(s), if applicable 

Abstract and Proposal: 

Your abstract and proposal should be double-spaced, typed, and not exceed six pages (not including the reference pages).

Do NOT include any researcher(s)-identifying markers, including references to your prior work in the abstract and proposal. These should only be included on the cover page. 


  • The CECH Diversity Grant Review Committee will not review proposals that exceed the six-page abstract and proposal requirement.  

  • Please submit the cover page, abstract, and proposal as one PDF document.  

  • A template for the project abstract and proposal are below: 


  1. Abstract. Your abstract should provide an overview of your project in 100 to 250 words. It should also include a brief overview of your project and the amount requested. 

  2. Proposal. Your proposal should address and be limited to the following:  

  • Context and Purpose of the Study/Project: Address the context of the topic to be studied and state research questions/hypotheses, project goals/objectives, or other specific foci of the inquiry.  
  • Significance: Provide the importance of the project and its contribution to the existing field (e.g., filling a gap, extending the finding, integrating bodies of research).   

  • Methods: Describe the project design, including participants/informants, research sites, outline human subject issues, data collection plan, procedures, and evaluation plan. Include a clear plan to address all ethical considerations pertaining to the research design and participants. 

  • Researchers’ Role(s): Describe the roles each research/project member will assume during the study. Do not include their names in this section. Do NOT include any researcher(s)-identifying markers, including references to your prior work in the abstract and proposal. 

  • Budget Justification: Create a table to address the amount of funding requested and how you plan to spend it. You may request funds for student salary support, supplies, and other research expenditures, such as travel related to this research. Please only request funds that you will use by October 2025. Faculty, staff, and students: Fringe costs will be deducted from any awarded salary, reducing the total amount. Please consider using this grant for other expenses, as salary deductions can significantly reduce your grant award value.  

  • Plan of Action: Create a table to outline your anticipated timeline for your project.  


Once completed, please use this form to submit your project abstract and proposal by 11:59 pm on December 9, 2024.  

If there are any issues with submitting your proposal, please email a PDF to by 11:59 p.m. on December 9, 2024. 

Applicants will receive notification about the award by January 15, 2024.   


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