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ENED7001 Introduction to Engineering Education and Research

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What is plagiarism?

Person crossing out artist's signature to claim work as their own Hand: (public domain)

Person crossing out artist's signature to claim work as their own Hand: (public domain)

The UC Student Code of Conduct defines plagiarism as:

Submitting another’s published or unpublished work in whole, in part or in paraphrase, as one’s own without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, quotation marks, citations, or bibliographic references.
Submitting as one’s own original work, material obtained from an individual, agency, or the internet without reference to the person, agency or webpage as the source of the material.
Submitting as one’s own original work material that has been produced through unacknowledged collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators
Submitting one’s own previously written or oral work without modification and instructor permission.

Intentional and Unintentional Plagiarism

Intentional Plagiarism

Unintentional Plagiarism

Intentional plagiarism is claiming sole authorship of a work that you know to have been written largely by someone else.

Purchasing a pre-written paper (either by mail or electronically).

Letting someone else write part or all of a paper for you.

Paying someone else to write part or all of a paper for you.

Submitting as your own someone else's unpublished work (including a computer program or algorithm), either with or without permission.

Submitting as your own, work done jointly by a group in which you may have participated.

Submitting work done by you, but for another class or another purpose without documenting that it was previously used.

Creating phony citations.

Unintentional plagiarism is plagiarism that results from the disregard for proper scholarly procedures.

Examples of Unintentional Plagiarism:

  • Failure to cite a source that is not common knowledge.
  • Failure to "quote" or block quote author's exact words, even if cited.
  • Failure to put a paraphrase in your own words, even if cited.
  • Failure to put a summary in your own words, even if cited.
  • Failure to be loyal to a source.

Adopted from 

Duke University Plagiarism Tutorial

Citation Management Software

citation management tools image from Mary Helen Cochran Library Guide

Citation Management Tools

Image from  Mary Helen Cochran Library

Sample Paper

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