Librarians at the Health Sciences Library (HSL) have the necessary competencies recommended for systematic reviews, including: comprehensive searching, database functionality, and citation management expertise. The availability for librarian assistance varies due to other priorities and job duties. Because of this, we cannot guarantee we will always be able to assist at the co-investigator level.
Our policies for participating at any level are as follows.
- Librarian assistance is currently limited to faculty, staff, and students at the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Allied Health Sciences. We are currently unavailable to offer assistance to those individuals at Cincinnati Children's Hospital that do not hold dual appointments.
- Librarians will only offer basic assistance (Informational or Consultant levels) for students completing assignments for courses they are enrolled in regardless of whether they are also faculty or staff.
- Librarians reserve the right to withdraw from a systematic review team if their professional expertise is not heeded, if they feel the integrity of the project is in question, or if communication is stalled for 60 days without prior notification.
- Systematic Review Assistance is currently free of charge. If you wish to apply for a grant that includes funding a systematic review and you would like a librarian to assist as a Co-Investigator, you must consult with a librarian prior to submitting the grant.