Find resources for public opinion, polling, and policy research.
iPOLL is a comprehensive¸ up-to-date source for US nationwide public opinion. A full-text retrieval system¸ the iPoll online database is organized at the question level¸ providing the tools to sift through nearly a half million questions asked on national public opinion surveys¸ 1935 to present. Surveys archived in the Roper Catalog were originally gathered by academic¸ commercial and media survey organizations such as Gallup Organization¸ Harris Interactive¸ Pew Research Associates¸ and many more.
Coverage: 1935 to present
The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is the leading educational organization in the field of public opinion research. Established in 1947¸ its main objective is to maintain an archive of data from polls and surveys conducted by major survey organizations for use by researchers¸ students¸ and journalists.
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