To find whether we have the report you need, try your industry search first on "Alacra" or "". Once you identify the report that you need, look for the publisher of the report on the list below. If it is listed, connect to the publisher's website and search for that report.
Hoover's Online is a database of public and private company reports and Industry studies. Search by: Company name¸ Ticker symbol¸ Keyword Person's last name. UC has access also to the Members Only sections which includes the Hoovers in-depth Company Profiles where you will find sales leads¸ business contacts¸ investment ideas¸ financial information and competitive intelligence information including a list of competitiors.
Coverage: Current
IBISWorld Industry Reports provide in-depth industry analysis for over 700 U.S. industries in all major U.S. industry sectors at the 5-digit level of NAICS . Reports are updated regularly¸ and contain: key statistics¸ market characteristics¸ segmentation¸ industry conditions¸ industry performance¸ key competitors¸ key factors¸ and industry outlook and forecast.
Coverage - Current
Mergent Industry Reports provide regional coverage for North America and Asia-Pacific. Each report gives a summary and full analysis for the current environment¸ an industry profile¸ and market trends and outlook. The reports also include country analysis for these industries. Coverage: Current
Market research reports primarily for the U.S. and covers a variety of sectors including beauty and personal¸ health and medical¸ electronic¸ consumer goods¸ lifestyles¸ travel and tourism¸ financial industry¸ internet industry¸ retail¸ and food & drink. Reports discuss market drivers¸ market size & trends¸ market segmentation¸ supply structure¸ advertising and promotion¸ retail distribution¸ consumer characteristics¸ and future and forecasts. Users will need to click on "I Agree" with the "Conditions of use" statement - each time they enter the database¸ and to establish and login into a profile with a UC e-mail address. Coverage: current
Includes sections on: Detailed market size data¸ Country marketing parameters¸ Marketing forecast data¸ Brand and company information¸ Business information sources¸ Marketing profiles¸ and Full text market analysis¸ International market intelligence reports¸ market direction reports¸ and Emerging market reports.
The S&P Industry Surveys¸ present individual reports on approximately 60 industries. the reports include data and analysis current environment¸ industry trends¸ how the industry operates¸ key industry ratios and statistics¸ and comparative company analysis within the industry. Coverage: 2001 - present
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