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Web Sites
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The CDC is a federal government website that includes information and data on diseases, emergency preparedness, life stages & population, environmental health, healthy living, traveler’s health, workplace safety, injuries & violence and morbidity.
Consumer and Patient Health Information Section
CAPHIS, a section of the Medical Library Association, provides a list of the top 100 health related web sites that "you can trust." This is an excellent resource that identifies health related web sites that can be relied on for currency and quality information. Each listing of a web site provides the name of the site, its URL and a short abstract about web site content.
Produced by the American Academy of Family Physicians, this health information web site provides health information for the whole family. This site provides encyclopedic coverage on health, diseases, symptoms, prevention and drugs. Additionally, Family Doctor.Org provides health tools, including a dictionary of medical terms, calculators, a drug information database (including OTC drugs) and a physician finder.
Health & Wellnes Resource Center
The Health & Wellness Resource Center provides an integrated collection of medical and health related magazines, journals, newsletters, pamphlets, reference tools and videos. Included among the many reference publications in the Resource Center are several Gale medical references (including the 2007 edition of the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine), the Clinical Reference Systems Advisor series, a plethora of Harvard Special Health Reports, the PDR Family Guide to OTC Drugs and the PDR Family Guide to Prescription Drugs. The Health & Wellness Resource Center also points to a wide variety of well respected health related web sites.
Health Central
This is a commercial web site that provides an extensive resource of medical and health information. If you can ignore the ubiquitous advertisements, this commercial site does offer an interesting and valuable resource of consumer related health and medical information. is produced and funded by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the National Health Information Center and the parent agency, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. maintains a database of over 6,500 resources collected from over 1,600 government and non-profit organizations. Included among its many and varied resources are an encyclopedia of health information, health news, a variety of finder tools (for finding health care providers, health centers and health organizations), personal health tools (including a health quiz, calculators and activity/menu planners) and videos.
This web site is the result of presidential executive order 13266 (2002). The objective of this executive order was to empower Americans with the knowledge, motivation and the necessary skills to make healthy decisions. This site, operated and developed by the Department of Health & Human Services and a plethora federal agencies and consortia members, provides a wealth of information, e.g. news, fact sheets, short encyclopedia articles, web links, etc., on disease prevention and healthy lifestyles.
This site is produced by the Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit medical practice. Mayo provides a wealth of information about diseases, treatments, health & healthy living and drugs & supplements. Special tools offered at this site include a symptom finder, a first-aid guide, an "Ask a Specialist" email service, slide shows, videos, blogs, calculators, self-assessment aids and quizzes.
National Institutes of Health
This web site, produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, is a cornucopia of medical and health related information. Among the many tools and resources provided by NLM are Medline Plus (a repository of consumer medical reference resources) and PubMed/MEDLINE (a database of medical and science research literature), Household products database (includes over 7,000 household products), TOXNET (a database of toxicology related databases) and (patient information about clinical research studies). The NLM web site also is a significant source of information of research grants and funding for career development/training and community outreach programs.