Literary Reference Center is a comprehensive database that provides a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. LRC combines information from major respected reference works¸ books¸ literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing.
Literature Online¸ is a fully searchable library of more than 350¸000 works of English and American poetry¸ drama and prose¸ 128 full-text literature journals¸ and other key criticism and reference resources. Coverage: 600 - present
Includes Gales Contemporary Authors Online (biographical coverage of more than 109¸000 writer); Contemporary Literary Criticism Select¸ (entries on all authors appearing in CLC since vol. 95 of the print series and complete profiles of 266 most studied authors from editions prior to vol. 95); and Dictionary of Literary Biography Online (more than 10¸000 biocritical essays on authors and their works written by academic scholars). The database also includes selected full-text¸ excerpted¸ and commissioned critical material from Gale's respected Literature Criticism and For Students Series.
LitFinder provides the opportunity for complete appreciation and study of great literary works by offering access to more than 135¸000 full-text poems¸ stories¸ plays and more. It puts complete works - and additional information sources such as biographies¸ essays and explanations - into the hands of students and researchers for further study¸ evaluation and enjoyment
An online, full-text archive of complete backfiles of scholarly periodical literature since 1872. Journals are intended to be archival, not current; most are 2-5 years behind the current issues, depending on the journal
Humanities International Complete is a comprehensive database of humanities content¸ providing full text of hundreds of journals¸ books and other published sources from around the world. Produced by Whitston Publishing (an imprint of EBSCO Publishing)¸ this database includes all data from American Humanities Index and Humanities International Index (over 1.6 million records) plus unique full text content.