Films on Demand provides either closed captioning or interactive transcripts for all of its videos on the platform.
If this option is available, a CC button will appear in the video control panel. Click on this button to toggle captions on and off. You may also create a Films on Demand account and set your personal preferences to always show closed captioning. While most Films on Demand videos contained closed captioning, not all do. You can use the Advanced Search feature and limit your search only to videos that provide captions.
Interactive Transcripts are available for many FOD videos. Interactive transcripts allow you to view the full text of the video, search within the full text, or click on any word in the transcript to jump to that exact point in the video. If you prefer this format for videos, you can use the Advanced Search feature to limit your search only to videos that provide interactive transcripts.
Most films on Kanopy provide both closed captioning and interactive transcripts. Closed captioning can be toggled on and off using the "CC" button in the video player controls. Interactive transcripts can be opened by clicking the "Transcript" button immediately beneath the video player. The interactive transcripts highlight or underline the words as they are being spoken in the video.
Kanopy offers a Caption Request Tool for any videos that do not currently have captioning, providing any user with the ability to request that a film be captioned, directly from the film page in question. Kanopy promises a rapid turnaround time for all caption requests. Patrons may also use the search filters on the results screen to limit their searches only to videos that already provide captioning.
The content of this page is modified from Accessibility: Streaming Videos (Marquette University)
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