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University of Cincinnati
Research Guides
CEAS Library
Python (programming language)
Python Resources
Python (programming language)
This guide serves as a Python tutorial for beginners. It also contains links to other useful resources and installation guides
Python Workshop Resources
Python Resources
CEAS Library Workshops
This link opens in a new window
Online Resources
Kaggle - Learn Python Tutorials
Kaggle curriculum for learning the essentials of the Python programming language.
Python's Online Documentations
Official documentation for Python
LinkedIn Learning
e-Learning platform to learn new technology skills (Sign-in with UC credentials to access the content)
Code Academy
An interactive online platform for coding
Learn Python
An introductory tutorial on Python from Datacamp
O'Reilly (formerly Safari) Online
Click on "Courses" to explore many python offerings. To access, follow the link above and click "institution not listed", and enter the UC email for access.
Python Cheat Sheets
Use the following links to access the Python cheat sheets from
Python Basics
Basic Python cheat sheet on data structures
Cheat sheet for 'pandas' library with built-in functions and methods
Cheat sheet on 'numpy' library's functions and methods
Cheat sheet on the 'matplotlib' library
Python Books
Python Crash Course
Learning Python
A Whirlwind Tour of Python
Python Pocket Reference
Fluent Python
Think Python
Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python
Python Cookbook
Python for Data Analysis
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Machine Learning with Python Cookbook
Web Scraping with Python
Python Workshop Resources
CEAS Library Workshops >>