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Translation Resources

Oxford English Dictionary

Find Print Dictionaries

To find monolingual dictionaries, including specialized ones, do an Advanced Keyword Search using subject words "xxx language dictionaries" (e.g., German language dictionaries).

Subject search produces very specific results; for example:

To find bilingual dictionaries, use the Advanced Keyword Search and type the terms English, dictionaries, and the target language you're looking for (e.g., German) into each of the search boxes.

You can also use Subject search following the formula in this example:

German language--Dictionaries--English

To find multilingual dictionaries, do an Advanced  Keyword Search using subject words "polyglot dictionaries". To limit these to a specific subject, you can also add another term such as law or medicine.

Online Dictionaries

Select Dictionaries on the Public Web

Allusions - Dictionaries

Catalog search results for Allusions -- Dictionaries

Etymological Dictionaries

To find etymological dictionaries in various languages, use the following formula:
target language -- Etymology -- Dictionaries; for example:
German language -- Etymology -- Dictionaries

See also English language -- Foreign words and phrases -- Dictionaries

German language -- Foreign words and phrases -- Dictionaries

Idioms - Dictionaries

Picture Dictionaries

To find picture dictionaries in the library catalog use the following formula:
Picture dictionaries -- language; for example:

Rhyming Dictionaries

To find rhyming dictionaries in the library catalog  use the following formula:
Target language -- Rhyme -- Dictionaries; for example:

Selected print rhyming dictionaries

Online rhyming dictionaries

Synonyms and antonyms

For searching the library catalog use the following formula: Language -- Synonyms and antonyms -- Dictionaries; for example,
English language -- Synonyms and antonyms

Terminology and specialized dictionaries


Keyword search results for dictionar* and (terms or terminology)

To find terminology in a special area use the following formula:
dictionar* and (terms or terminology) and [abbreviation or versions of the subject]; for example:

Specialized foreign language dictionaries

To find dictionaries in various subject areas, use the following formula:
subject -- dictionaries -- target language; for example,


Use the formula in the following examples:

Online Terminilogy Databases

General: Europe

General: United Nations

Encyclopedias & Handbooks on Translation

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