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Data Sources - Political Science

This is an overview of UC library resources available to political science graduate students and faculty relating to research data management.

Research Data Management for Political Science

Data driven research projects require planning on many levels. Where are you collecting your data from? What format will you use to collect it? Where will you be storing it? How will you analyze it? What about reproducibility? 


Research Data Management applies to the entire lifecyle of the research project. You should be thinking about your data during every stage, from writing the grant (data management plan), to creating the questions, to finding a location to store your data for working with it and later for sharing it with others. 

In addition, you may need access to additional training or guidance on which analysis tools to use.  

You may also want access to data sets already created. This guide is for you! 

Reach out to ASKDATA@UC.EDU if you need help or would like to discuss anything relating to data. 

Data Management Planning Workflow

University of Cincinnati Libraries

PO Box 210033 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0033

Phone: 513-556-1424

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