Data-Planet Statistical DatasetsData-Planet Statistical Datasets provides access to an extensive repository of standardized and structured statistical data. The Data-Planet repository contains more than 6.2 billion data setss from more than 70 source organizations. The over two billion time series in Data-Planet provides immediate access to data presented in charts, maps, graphs, and table form, via multiple points of entry. There are up to 2 billion charts, maps, views, rankings, time series and tables available for use in the Data-Planet repository. All of the data have been standardized and structured, and described with up to 37 fields of metadata, including a controlled vocabulary.
Data can be viewed, compared and analyzed. Data sets are accessible via an easy to use expandable contents menu and via a simple search box. Data sets available covering the following period: 1909 to the present.
Record date: 7/2/2018