Lisa Wernke
Collections and Access Librarian
Robert S. Marx Law Library
Office 310(A)
v: (513) 556-0156
f: (513) 556-6265
Lisa Wernke is responsible for ordering and maintaining the law library’s collections. She also manages the interlibrary loan, document delivery, and circulation operations for the law library.
Rhonda Wiseman
Library Associate
Robert S. Marx Law Library
Office 210 A
v: (513) 556-0165
f: (513) 556-6265
Rhonda Wiseman provides support to technical services and circulation operations within the law library in addition to managing the College of Law archival collection.
Susan M. Boland
Associate Director
Robert S. Marx Law Library
Office 314A
Contact me on Teams
v: (513) 556-4407
f: (513) 556-6265
Susan Boland is the Associate Director for the University of Cincinnati Robert. S. Marx Law Library. She teaches legal research and offers reference and research support services to all law library users. Prior to joining the law library faculty, she was the Head of Information Services for the Ruth Lilly Law Library at the Robert H. McKinney School of Law and the Research & Instructional Services librarian at Northern Illinois University College of Law. She has also held positions at a public library and community college library and served as a judicial clerk for the Iowa District Court for the Fifth Judicial District. She is a member of various professional associations both regionally and nationally. She has served as Chair of the Computing Services Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries and President of the Mid-America Association of Law Libraries. She is currently Vice-President of the American Association of Law Libraries Animal Law Caucus. She has presented at regional and national conferences, as well as at continuing legal education programs. Her publications include annotated bibliographies on the death penalty and election law, as well as articles on legal research, technology, and teaching.
Ronald Jones
Electronic Resources & Instructional Services Librarian
Robert S. Marx Law Library
Office 315
v: (513) 556-0158
f: (513) 556-6265
Ronald Jones serves as Electronic Resources & Instructional Services Librarian at the University of Cincinnati Robert S. Marx Law Library. He is responsible for providing reference and research assistance to all library patrons. In addition to his reference duties, Mr. Jones co-teaches Advanced Legal Research. He is a member of various professional associations both regionally and nationally and is active in the AAUP.
Shannon Kemen
Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Robert S. Marx Law Library
Office 310(F)
v: (513) 556-6407
f: (513) 556-6265
Shannon Kemen serves as the Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian at the University of Cincinnati Robert S. Marx Law Library. She is responsible for providing reference and research assistance to all library patrons. In addition to her reference duties, Ms. Kemen teaches Technology in Law Practice. She is a member of various professional associations both regionally and nationally. Ms. Kemen has published numerous articles and frequently lectures on legal research topics. Prior to joining the library faculty at the University of Cincinnati, Ms. Kemen was a Reference and Electronic Services librarian at Keating Muething & Klekamp, PLL.
Michael Whiteman
Associate Dean of Library Services & Director of the Law Library
Robert S. Marx Law Library
Office 314(B)
v: (513) 556-0159
f: (513) 556-6265
Michael Whiteman is the Associate Dean of Library Services and the Director of the Robert S. Marx Law Library at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. Prior to his position at UC, Michael worked at NKU Chase College of Law, where he served for a year and a half as Interim Dean, and for fifteen years as the Associate Dean for Law Library Services & Information Technology. Michael has regularly taught legal research, advanced legal research, as well as Criminal Law. Michael's scholarly activities center on technology's impact on the practice of law and its impact on law libraries.
University of Cincinnati Libraries
PO Box 210033 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0033
Phone: 513-556-1424
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