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Academic Search Complete
Great place to start your search for articles!
Academic Search Complete, designed specifically for academic institutions includes more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. This scholarly collection offers full text coverage of information in many areas of academic study including: archaeology, area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, ethnic & multicultural studies, food science & technology, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, physics, psychology, religion & theology, women's studies, and other fields. Academic Search Complete offers critical information from many sources unique to this massive collection. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1865, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for 1,000 journals.
All Healthcare Law Reviews and Journals (Lexis)
Contains law review and journal articles pertaining to healthcare law.
Cochrane Library
Contains regularly updated evidence-based healthcare databases.
Health & Psychosocial Instruments
Health and Psychosocial Instruments provides ready access to information on measurement instruments (i.e.¸ questionnaires¸ interview schedules¸ checklists¸ index measures¸ coding schemes/ manuals¸ rating scales¸ projective techniques¸ vignettes/scenarios¸ tests) in the health fields¸ psychosocial sciences¸ organizational behavior¸ and library and information science. HAPI assists researchers¸ practitioners¸ educators¸ administrators¸ and evaluators¸ including students¸ to identify measures needed for research studies¸ grant proposals¸ client/patient assessment¸ class papers/projects¸ theses/dissertations¸ and program evaluation. By creating an organized resource of previously unavailable measurement information¸ HAPI: (a) provides a means of locating a variety of instruments¸ (b) helps to reduce inefficiency and cost¸ and (c) eliminates duplication and "reinvention of the wheel."
Health Law Law Reviews & Journals (Westlaw)
Contains law review and journal articles pertaining to healthcare law.
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
Mental Measurements Yearbook¸ produced by the Buros Institute at the University of Nebraska¸ provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2¸000 contemporary testing instruments. Designed for an audience ranging from novice test consumers to experienced professionals¸ the MMY series contains information essential for a complete evaluation of test products within such diverse areas as psychology¸ education¸ business¸ and leadership.
Excellent psychology article database.
PsycINFO, produced by the American Psychological Association, is a collection of electronically stored bibliographic references--most with abstracts or content summaries. It contains citations that PsycINFO has created in electronic form. Although the references themselves are all written in English, the covered literature includes material published in over 45 countries and written in 30 languages.
PsycTESTS provides extensive access to unpublished tests, measures, scales and other assessment instruments. The range of instruments represented in PsycTESTS will be of interest to researchers in education, the behavioral and social sciences and related disciplines. The database includes nearly 7,000 tests and over 75% of them are available as full text.
PTSDpubs Article Database
The PTSDpubs Database (formerly PILOTS) is an extensive PTSD resource produced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs although it is not limited to literature on PTSD among Veterans.
Database for medical research, a service of the National Library of Medicine. Contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from 3,900 biomedical journals published in the U.S. and 70 foreign countries. The database includes over 19 million citations. PubMed covers international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields, biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science related to medicine. Coverage from the 1950s to date.
SocINDEX with Full Text
Best sociology research database.
SocINDEX with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database.
Electronic Journals
Annals of Health Law (HeinOnline)
The Annals contains articles of general interest in health law which are deemed by the editors to make a contribution to the teaching, practice, and or public policy surrounding health law. Past volumes have focused on corporate, regulatory, bioethical, and pharmaceutical issues, as well as patient rights and advocacy.
Harvard Mental Health Letter
Harvard Mental Health Letter contains information pertaining to all aspects of mental health. It is a valuable resource for professionals in the mental health field, as well as interested lay readers.
Health Affairs
Health Affairs is the leading journal of health policy thought and research. The peer-reviewed journal was founded in 1981 under the aegis of Project HOPE, a nonprofit international health education organization. Health Affairs explores health policy issues of current concern in domestic and international spheres. Its mission is to serve as a high-level, nonpartisan forum to promote analysis and discussion on improving health and health care, and to address such issues as cost, quality, and access.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association
JAMA, published continuously since 1883, is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal.
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy (HeinOnline)
The Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy ceased publication in 2015. Between 1985 and 2015, JCHLP published 31 volumes dedicated to in-depth legal analysis of recent trends in modern health care, issues involving the relationship of the life sciences to the social sciences and humanities, bioethics, and ethical, economic, philosophical and social aspects of medical practice and the delivery of health care systems.
Journal of Health Care Law and Policy (HeinOnline)
The JHCLP provides a forum for the interdisciplinary discussion of leading issues in health law, medical, health policy, and other law-related issues.
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
An interdisciplinary informer of public health for members of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Articles, review essays, recent law developments, and book reviews.
Journal of Mental Health Counseling (Westlaw)
Journal of Mental Health Counseling presents theory and practical topics relevant to mental health counseling. 01/2000 - Present
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
The KIEJ has recently focused on publishing papers that explore ethical and social issues in science practice, as well as philosophical approaches to health, environmental, and science policy, especially those which situate philosophical and ethical issues in a global context.
Mental Health and Physical Activity (Lexis)
Access to certain freelance articles and other features within this publication (i.e. photographs, classifieds, etc...) may not be available.The aims of Mental Health and Physical Activity will be: (1) to foster the inter-disciplinary development and understanding of the mental health and physical activity field; (2) to develop research designs and methods to advance our understanding; (3) to promote the publication of high quality research on the effects of physical activity (interventions and a single session) on a wide range of dimensions of mental health and psychological well-being (eg, depression, anxiety and stress responses, mood, cognitive functioning and neurological disorders, such as dementia, self-esteem and related constructs, psychological aspects of quality of life among people with physical and mental illness, sleep, addictive disorders, eating disorders), from both efficacy and effectiveness trials; (4) to promote high quality research on the biophysical and psychosocial mechnisms involved to help our understanding of the link between physical activity and mental health, and guide intervention development; (5) to provide an evidence-based source for professionals working in the field of mental health and a forum to consider service delivery issues.
Mental Health Weekly
Provides information on business trends; state funding and policy issues; litigation; federal legislation and policy; and innovative practices.
Mental Health Weekly Digest
A professional newsletter reporting on the latest research in mental health. Features information and studies in depression, schizophrenia, paranoia, and other mental conditions. Coverage includes drug development, risk factors, and therapies.
New England Journal of Medicine
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is the world’s leading medical journal and website. Published continuously for over 200 years, NEJM delivers high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive clinical content to physicians, educators, and the global medical community.
Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics (HeinOnline)
The Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics is a biannual publication of the Yale Schools of Law, Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health, and Nursing. The Journal strives to provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussion on topics in health policy, health law, and biomedical ethics. It targets a broad and diverse readership of academicians, professionals, and students in medicine, law, and public health, as well as policy makers and legislators in health care.