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Records of any type of material cataloged by OCLC member libraries. Includes manuscripts written as early as the 12th century.
Keyword search searches for your terms anywhere in the library record (book title, chapter title, table of contents, notes (if applicable), etc. This search is rather broad and may return some irrelevant results.
General Search Terms
Game Studies Specific Terms
Keyword search tip
To increase the relevance of your results you may specify that your terms should be found in the title or subject. Type your term(s) in the box and select the field form the drop-down menu.
Books related to gaming studies may be located in various UC Libraries. Please note the location as well as the call number. To locate the books please check the Symbols & Locations: Library Location Codes (PDF). In Langsam Library most books on gaming studies are found in the subclass GV on 5 East.
E-books usually have "electronic resource" inserted into the title. When you access e-books off campus, for best experience please use the VPN client. Login to VPN or learn about it.
Items in the catalog have subject headings. Subject headings are like hashtags - they describe the content of the item and help point you to resources on a specific topic. The links below point you to subject search results on selected topics relevant to game studies.
Tips for finding subject headings
University of Cincinnati Libraries
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Phone: 513-556-1424
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