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Psychology Basics

This guide provides a starting point for Psychology research, including databases.

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Welcome to the Psychology Basics LibGuide!

This research guide was created by UC librarians from Langsam Library, UC Blue Ash, and UC Clermont. It is meant to serve a general, multi-disciplinary group of users interested in psychology topics.

On this guide you will find quick links to Psychology databases and books, some search strategies and APA help, and starting places to begin your Psychology research.

Databases & Articles

These are our top picks for Psychology databases, but at the bottom of the list is a link the all the Psychology databases UC students can access.


Browse for Books

Our library is organized so that books about similar topics are near each other. If you can find one book on your topic, you can likely find others similar nearby. Here are some call numbers that may be useful to you:

  • BF: Psychology
  • HQ: The family, marriage, women

Where to find them?

  • Langsam Library: 6th Floor North
  • Blue Ash Library: 1st Floor
  • Clermont Library: 2nd Floor

Accessing Library Resources

How to Access Library Resources: Click the link to a library resource. You may be prompted to log in with your UC username and password. You may have to complete Duo Two-Factor Authentication as well.

These prompts can occur both on and off campus.

Library Resources Access Information Link

Additional Information and Resources for Accessing Library Resources

University of Cincinnati Libraries

PO Box 210033 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0033

Phone: 513-556-1424

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