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BIOL 1081L: Biology Laboratory I (UCBA)

Research resources for BIOL 1081L: BIOLOGY LABORATORY I at UCBA.

UCBA Librarian

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Michelle McKinney
UC Blue Ash Library
115D Muntz Hall

Tools for Scientific Writing

Use this page to find tools and resources to help with writing, citing, and being academically honest. These provide a starting point but be sure to consult with your professors about any college/department/individual standards and requirements.

APA Resources

These resources will help you with citing and formatting in APA Style:

Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and is taken very seriously. To avoid plagiarism, get in the habit of documenting where you got the information. Proper documentation of sources used is like creating a roadmap for your audience. It gives them a way to follow the sources you have used in your research assignment or project. It's also the 'glue' that connects the quotes you have used to the actual source.


  • Be organized, note where you got information, and keep track of your research materials
  • If in doubt, cite it! 

Learn more about Academic Honestly and Plagiarism

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