Our online CampusGuides direct you to electronic and print resources in many subject areas. In addition to links the guides may include search tips, tutorials, etc.
Subject librarians will be happy to point you to resources in the discipline and help with your research.
You can't find an individual article in the library catalog. Learn how to find articles if you have a citation or if you are researching a topic.
Journal Search Tips include information on finding electronic and print versions of periodicals - journals, magazines, and newspapers.
Current print periodicals (journals and magazines) are stored in a designated area in each library. Many periodicals for previous years are arranged by call number and stored together with books. Some periodicals are available on microforms. Library staff will help you find the microforms and use them.
If you cannot find the item on the shelf, a librarian at the circulation/service desk will be happy to assist you.
Many electronic reference source (dictionaries, encyclopedias, statistical sources, etc) can be found in the Online Reference Shelf Research Guide.
To find electronic resources in the library catalog, on any search screen from the drop-down menu next to " Limit all searches to: (optional)" select "Online Books, Databases, and Journals":
Please note that this limit will be applied to all subsequent searches. To change your limit or go back to the entire collection, make a selection from the drop-down menu or click the “Start Over” button.
UC libraries subscribe to many e-book collections or databases that include e-books in a variety of disciplines. Not all of those books have individual records in the library catalog. You may go directly into the electronic book collections and search or browse their content.
University of Cincinnati Libraries
PO Box 210033 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0033
Phone: 513-556-1424
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