Online sources are usually more current than the official print sources. Be sure and check the currency of your online CFR source. The differing dates may mean that you can skip traditional updating steps. For example, you likely will be able to skip checking the Monthly List of CFR Sections Affected and just look at the "Reader Aids" section," CFR Sections Affected during [month]" of the latest issue of the Federal Register.
The eCFR was last updated February 14, 2023. Today is February 16, 2023. Look at the "CFR Parts Affected during February in the "Reader Aids" section of the February 16, 2023 issue of the Federal Register.
You will end up with a results list of any rule or proposed rule that affects your title and part.
You will end up with a results list of rules or proposed rules that affect your title and part. Note that it takes this information from the last LSA so you may need to do further updating using the .
You can Shepardize and KeyCite administrative regulations. This will help you find proposed regulations, judicial treatment and interpretation of regulations; and locate secondary sources citing regulations. (back to Fall 1995)
Justia's Regulation Tracker: (back to 2005)
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