Use the name of an author as an author search
Use the exact title of a book as a title search
Use keywords, structuring your search as these examples demonstrate:
(KW) [Name of Country, for example Egypt] and (KW) [topic, for example Suez Canal]
(KW) [Name of Country, for example Saudi Arabia] and (KW) [topic, for example politic*] Note: The asterisk is a truncation symbol; this search will return political as well as politicians and politics
(KW) [Name of Country, for example Kuwait] and (KW)[topic, for example economic policy] or (KW) [monetary policy] Note: In this search both the keywords economic policy and monetary policy will be returned with Kuwait but economic policy and monetary policy may be independent of each other in the catalog record.
Use Subject headings, structuring your search as these examples demonstrate
(SU) Arab Countries—History
(SU) Arab Countries—History—[Time Period] (for example Arab Countries—History—1945- )
(SU) Arab Countries—History—[Topic] (for example Arab Countries—History—Arab Revolt 1916-1918)
(SU) [Topic]—Arab Countries (for example Nationalism—Arab Countries)
(SU) Middle East—History
(SU) Middle East—History—[Time Period] (for example Middle East—History—20th Century)
(SU) Middle East—History—[Topic] (for example Middle East—History—Military)
(SU) Middle East—[Topic] (for example Middle East—Politics and Government, 1945-)
(SU) [Topic]—Middle East (for example Arms Control—Middle East)
(SU) [Name of Country]—[Topic] (for example Syria—History—Protests, 2011- )
(SU) [Topic] —[Name of Country] (for example Arab-Israeli Conflict—Iraq)
Note: Personal and proper names (for example Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia, 1906-1975; League of Arab States; Arab Petroleum Congress) may always be used as a subject heading.
See these reference works for additional biographical information:
Heads of state and other government officials may be identified using:
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