Our Research Guides will help you to decide whether to use free online or library-provided resources and tools, select the best online reference tools or a specialized databases in your discipline.
flu or influenza
cops or policemen
teens or adolescents
"global warming"
translat* will find translate, translation, translator, etc.
This rarely happens with Google searches, but a database may respond with "No matches found."
Here are some possible reasons and tips for success:
Problem: You typed too many words.
Solution: Stick to the essentials:
program on quitting tobacco cigarette smoking addiction - quit smoking program
Problem: You misspelled a word.
Solution: See if the search tool provides spelling suggestions. Otherwise use a dictionary.
Problem: You are using the wrong search tool (it may be too specialized or have a different focus).
For example, the library catalog does NOT search for articles.
Solution: Check out our Research Guides or ask a librarian for suggestions.
Here are some possible reasons and tips for success:
Problem: You typed too many words.
Please note that licensed databases may treat multiple search terms as a phrase, i.e. look for them together)
Solution: Revise your search:
suggested solutions to public transportation problems in over the rhine
problems "public transportation" "Over the Rhine"
solutions "public transportation" "Over the Rhine"
In a database put AND between terms:
problems AND "public transportation" AND "Over the Rhine"
Problem: You may have chosen wrong keywords.
Nook e-book reader
color OR colour
film OR movie
gay marriage OR same-sex marriage
lowfat OT low-fat OR low fat
heart attack myocardial infarction (if you are looking for professional publications on the topic)
World War I The Great War (if you are looking for works written during this event)
col*r for color or colour
Here are some suggestions:
chair rocker recliner
"global warming"
java java music, java language, javascript, java island
Tom Jones Tom Jones singer, Tom Jones astronaut, Tom Jones novel
Library catalog: "substance abuse" AND NOT alcohol
Google: "substance abuse" -alcohol
Many databases allow you to specify that terms can be within the sentence, paragraph, or X number of words from each other:
Google: police AROUND profiling
You can add a number to specify maximum distance between terms: police AROUND(3) profiling
Make sure to capitalize AROUND and other operators in Google.
In database consult Help pages to learn about proximity operators.
Here are some suggestions:
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