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Core Databases

Additional Recommended Databases

Given the multidisciplinary perspectives from which literature can be approached, the following list represents only those resources centered for the most part on literary study. Others, such as Historical Abstracts, Women's Studies International or PsycINFO may be just as relevant depending on the specific subject. Searching the Library Catalog and Databases will identify or provide access to far more of these resources than can be listed here.

Find a Known Article (If You Have a Citation)

You may already have a citation for an article from your professor's recommendation or another  source. This is how you would locate the article.

Method 1

On the UC Libraries page paste your article title in the red search box. If this is an exact title enclose it in quotation marks to avoid irrelevant hits.

search box with a title entered

If the title is short and/or common, add the author's name and/or journal title.

search bos with totle and authro entered

Summon, our metasearch tool, will return results with links to online full text.

You can also use advanced Summon search.

Method 2

  • On the UC Libraries page click the Journals tab in the red search box. Alternatively you can use the search box on the Journals page of this guide. E-Journals advanced search page.
  • Type in as much of the journal title as you want.
    (Please note: this search option is for JOURNAL titles, not articles titles)!
  • Click "Search." The result will indicate which database/index to search for full text. Check the dates carefully to make sure the year you need is available electronically.

  • If an electronic version of the journal title or the desired issues it is not available electronically, you must then search the Library Catalog for a print issue. On the library record screen for the journal title note the location and call number of the journal. Please note that current issues are often found in a different location than bound journals.

Method 3.

  • Use the "Citation Linker" form. You need to provide as much information as possible.

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