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This guide provides databases, books, links to journals and magazines, websites and career information for the information technology profession.

ACM Citations

About ACM Citations

ACM citation is used in the field of IT and is the required formatting and citation style for getting published in an ACM journal. 

Here are some citation templates for different kinds of sources. To see more the citation format for other source types, click the link below

Journal Article:

FirstName LastName and FirstName LastName. Year. The article title: Use sentence case. Name of journal in italics Volume#, Issue# (Issue date), Page-Page.

Patricia S. Abril and Robert Plant. 2007. The patent holder's dilemma: Buy, sell, or troll? Commun. ACM 50, 1 (Jan. 2007), 36-44.

A Whole Book

FirstName LastName. Year. Title of Book in Italics (# ed.). PublisherName, City. 

David Kosiur. 2001. Understanding Policy-Based Networking (2nd. ed.). Wiley, New York, NY.

Conference Proceedings

FirstName LastName. Year. Title of presentation. In Name of the Conference Proceedings, Dates of Conference, City, State. Conference Sponsor. Publication City, State, Page-Page.

Sten Andler. 1979. Predicate path expressions. In Proceedings of the 6th. ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL '79), January 29 - 31, 1979,  San Antonio, Texas. ACM Inc., New York, NY, 226-236.

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