The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies by Angharad N. Valdivia (Editor)Call Number: E-book
ISBN: 9781405193566
Publication Date: 2013-01-22
The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies brings together over 175 critical essays to redraw the boundaries of this rapidly evolving and dynamically complex area. Global in scope, wide-ranging in its inclusion of topics, and edited by an international team of the world's best scholars, this is the definitive resource for the field. Includes more than 175 essays written by over 200 leading and emerging scholars from across the globe Arranged across 6 thematic volumes edited by an international team of expert scholars Accessible volume introductions provide overviews of key themes The most definitive resource available in this complex, heterogeneous, multi-methodological and multi-theoretical interdisciplinary field Explores media as it is being practiced, produced, and analyzed in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Australia, and Europe All volumes pay close attention to issues of gender and ethnicity so necessary to understanding contemporary media Probes the many dimensions of the subject: history, production, content, audiences, effects, and futures