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Law Research Assistant Guide to the Law Library

This guide is designed to assist UC Law Research Assistants.

How to Find Peer-Reviewed Articles

Sometimes your instructor or assignment will require that you find a "scholarly article" or use a "peer-reviewed" journal. In many of our databases, you can  limit your search to scholarly articles by selecting a check-box similar to ones listed below. Look for the following options when you are searching (sometimes they appear on the advanced search page):


In many database you can filter your search results to those from scholarly/academic/peer-reviewed journals - look for this option on your search results page.

Some databases and services include ONLY scholarly journals.

How to Find Articles

To do a general search for article resources, go to the UC Libraries home page and search from the Articles+ tab on the red search box. Here is what the search box looks like:

search box with text entered

The tool that does the search of multiple databases is called Summon. For a brief introduction to Summon view the video below. Lean more about it by going to Summon FAQ.

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