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Library Resources for Canvas

This guide is available to assist instructors with utilizing library resources in Canvas.

Utilizing Permalinks in Canvas Course for Library Resources

Instead of uploading articles, chapters of books and other course documents, where possible use a permalink to the library resource itself. This allows the students to have direct access to the resource from the vendor - giving students the ability to interact with the resources in a number of ways, including accessibility options. You can also use the permalink to link to specific records in the Library Catalog. 

To make sure your students will have access to library resources, you may need to use a proxied permalink or DOI. Please see the box below for more information on creating proxied permalinks.

*Note: If you are linking to an individual database, please use the Library Guides tool. Information on this can be found on the Databases in Canvas page in the left-hand navigation.*

How to Find a Permalink

1. Do not use the URL from the address bar! In library databases this can be a temporarily-generated link and the stability is not guaranteed. Instead look for permalink or share options.

2. Remember that every database is a little different. Look for phrases like Permanent Link, Stable Link, or Permalink in menu bars. It may also be located under sharing options. It might also just be indicated by an icon to click or hidden under a Share menu. 

3. The DOI is also acceptable and can have the proxy added to it

4. If possible, use the permalink for the database the article is actually in, not one where just the citation or article linker is the only available information. (For example, permalinks for Summon are only linking to information about the article, not the actual article.)

The following video shows how to find a permalink in the EBSCO databases.

The following video shows how to find permalinks (or Document URLs as ProQuest calls them) in ProQuest databases. There are multiple ways to do this and this video demonstrates one of them.

This video has no sound.

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