CALI stands for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction. is a non-profit consortium of law schools – of which UC Law is a member – that develops and distributes legal education lessons to the consortium members.
You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. Go to CALI and look at the information box on the right side of the screen. Click on “Not a registered user yet?” You will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. You can get this code from any reference librarian. Once you have entered the authorization code, you can set up your password. Have more questions? Check out the CALI FAQs.
There are over 410 CALI lessons dealing with First Year topics. Browse descriptions
There are over 600 CALI Lessons dealing with upper level topics. Browse descriptions
CALI publishes a selected number of free e-books. Of particular note are the casebooks and the Federal Rules. The e-books are available at the CALI eLangdell Bookstore. You can even create your own casebook.
Creating CALI LessonLINKs Video Tutorial (2:59 min.)
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