Once you found the book in the UC Library Catalog, please examine the record carefully. The call number is what you need to locate the book on the shelf, but first you need to see which library (location) has the item. Some libraries have multiple locations. See the location codes here. If the item is on reserve you need to request it at the service desk of the appropriate library. Please make sure that the status is "Available."
Requesting materials from UC LIbraries (from one UC library to another). Please note that if you request the item to be sent TO the library where the item is located, the request will be canceled.
Requesting materials from OhioLINK. When desired materials are not available from any UC library locations, you may request available items from an OhioLINK library.
Requesting materials through Interlibrary Loan. If the item is not available in University of Cincinnati Libraries and OhioLINK member libraries, you can request it by Interlibrary Loan.
Use WorldCat to discover items owned by libraries worldwide.