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Researching in the Performing Arts @ CCM

CCM Library Spaces, Chandeliers


Since 2010, the CCM Library has been located in beautiful quarters on the 6th floor of the Blegen Library building.

image of Reading Room of CCM Library

>   The Reading Room recaptures the grandeur of the original 1930 library with its high ceiling, classical pillar effects, suitably-inscribed chandeliers (see below), and paneling. The statues on high pedestals are from the Shillito Mansion (no longer extant), former home of the Conservatory of Music. “Music in the Gorno Library” concerts are given in this space, using the 1890 Steinway piano that was a gift to CCM.

>   To the south is the large score room storing the library’s impressive collection of music scores.

>   To the north is the journal room storing the library’s current (unbound) and bound periodical collections held in print.

>   Next door is a media/computer lab with workstations (many with MIDI keyboards), listening stations for playing physical sound recordings, as well as four electronic keyboards. The media lab offers scanning, printing, and copying facilities.

>   The spacious entrance atrium offers a single-service point circulation desk, serving patron needs, and display cases featuring materials from the Library's special collections.

>   A group study room near the Reading Room, a group study room off the Media Lab, and a seminar room on the 7th floor (upstairs) offer sound and audio-visual technologies for group study, group listening to media materials, and working on group projects.

>   A quiet study area on the 7th floor (upstairs) offers private study carrels for any CCM community member engaging in research or who requests a carrel for quiet study.


The chandeliers throughout the CCM library are original to the building and bear quotations about libraries and learning in various languages.

image of CCM Library chandelier

>   Reading Room entrance chandelier, a Japanese proverb, translated as:
There are no age limits to learning. Anyone can learn anything if he studies it a hundred times.

>   Reading Room, south chandelier, a Hebrew inscription from Proverbs 3:13,
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding.

>   Reading Room, central chandelier, a Latin inscription from Terence,
Humani nihil a me alienum puto (Nothing human do I consider alien to myself”).

>   Reading Room, north chandelier, a Greek inscription from Democritus,
Do not aim at knowing everything.

>   Scores Room chandelier, a Chinese proverb,
Libraries are valuable to readers because they preserve the riches of the world from which come the beginning of wisdom. Everything in the heavens or upon the earth is for our appreciation.


University of Cincinnati Libraries

PO Box 210033 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0033

Phone: 513-556-1424

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